The Game Engine for Ian Parberry's "Introduction to Game Physics with Box2D"
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 o*billboard.hBillboard vertex flexible vertex format
 o*Defines.hEssential game engine defines. Actually, all that's left here are #includes, but whatever
 o*Main.cppMain file for Ian Parberry's game engine
 o*renderer.cppDirect3D rendering. DirectX stuff that won't change much is hidden away in this file so you won't have to keep looking at it
 o*renderer.hDefinition of the renderer class CRenderer
 o*Sound.cppCode for the Sound Manager class CSoundManager
 o*Sound.hInterface for the sound manager class CSoundManager
 o*Sprite.cppCode for the sprite class C3DSprite
 o*Sprite.hInterface for the sprite class C3DSprite
 o*SpriteMan.cppCode for the sprite manager class CSpriteManager
 o*SpriteMan.hInterface for the sprite manager class CSpriteManager
 o*Text.cppCode for the text manager class CTextManager
 o*Text.hInterface for the text manager class CTextManager
 o*Timer.cppCode for timer class CTimer
 \*Timer.hInterface for the timer class CTimer