The Game Engine for Ian Parberry's "Introduction to Game Physics with Box2D"
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Engine Directory Reference


file  billboard.h [code]
 Billboard vertex flexible vertex format.
file  Defines.h [code]
 Essential game engine defines. Actually, all that's left here are #includes, but whatever.
file  Main.cpp
 Main file for Ian Parberry's game engine.
file  renderer.cpp
 Direct3D rendering. DirectX stuff that won't change much is hidden away in this file so you won't have to keep looking at it.
file  renderer.h [code]
 Definition of the renderer class CRenderer.
file  Sound.cpp
 Code for the Sound Manager class CSoundManager.
file  Sound.h [code]
 Interface for the sound manager class CSoundManager.
file  Sprite.cpp
 Code for the sprite class C3DSprite.
file  Sprite.h [code]
 Interface for the sprite class C3DSprite.
file  SpriteMan.cpp
 Code for the sprite manager class CSpriteManager.
file  SpriteMan.h [code]
 Interface for the sprite manager class CSpriteManager.
file  Text.cpp
 Code for the text manager class CTextManager.
file  Text.h [code]
 Interface for the text manager class CTextManager.
file  Timer.cpp
 Code for timer class CTimer.
file  Timer.h [code]
 Interface for the timer class CTimer.