Box2D Cannon Game
Chapter 7 of Ian Parberry's "Introduction to Game Physics with Box2D"
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
\-My Game
 o*cannon.cppCode for the cannon class CCannon
 o*cannon.hInterface for the cannon class CCannon
 o*gamedefines.hGame defines
 o*hud.cppCode for the heads-up display class CHeadsUpDisplay
 o*hud.hInterface for the heads-up display class CHeadsUpDisplay
 o*MyGame.cppMain file for your game
 o*nonplayerobjects.cppCode for the creation of nonplayer objects
 o*Object.cppCode for the game object class CGameObject
 o*Object.hInterface for the game object class CGameObject
 o*ObjectManager.cppCode for the object manager class CObjectManager
 o*ObjectManager.hInterface for the object manager class CObjectManager
 o*objectworld.cppCode for the object world CObjectWorld
 o*objectworld.hInterface for the object world class CObjectWorld
 o*RenderWorld.cppCode for the render world CRenderWorld
 o*RenderWorld.hInterface for the render world class CRenderWorld
 \*Sndlist.hEnumerated types for sounds