Smooth 2D Noise Viewer
Perlin and Value Noise
Src Directory Reference


file  CMain.cpp [code]
 Code for the main class CMain.
file  CMain.h [code]
 Interface for the main class CMain.
file  Defines.h [code]
 Useful defines, constants, and types.
file  Helpers.cpp [code]
 Code for helper functions.
file  Helpers.h [code]
 Interface for helper functions.
file  Includes.h [code]
 Useful includes.
file  Main.cpp [code]
 The window procedure WndProc(), and wWinMain().
file  perlin.cpp [code]
 Code for the Perlin and Value noise generators.
file  perlin.h [code]
 Interface for the Perlin and Value noise generators.
file  WindowsHelpers.cpp [code]
 Code for some helpful Windows-specific functions.
file  WindowsHelpers.h [code]
 Interface for some helpful Windows-specific functions.