Mathematical Puzzles

Like most geeks I have a casual interest in mathematical puzzles. The ones that I've had the most interest in over the years include Rubik's cube, the knight's tour problem, and the $(n^2-1)$-puzzle. Only some of those research projects bore fruit, the results of which you can see below. My coauthors in some of this work include colleague Ingo Wegener and his then student Oleg Kyek.

Tourneys and Closed Knight's Tours (2020)


Ian Parberry, "Tourneys and the Fast Generation and Obfuscation of Closed Knight's Tours". [more information]


New algorithms for generating closed knight's tours are obtained by generating a vertex-disjoint cycle cover of the knight's graph and joining the resulting cycles. It is shown experimentally that these algorithms are significantly faster in practice than previous methods. A fast obfuscation algorithm for closed knight's tours that obscures obvious artifacts created by their method of generation is also given, along with visual and statistical evidence of its efficacy.

The 15-Puzzle (2015)


Ian Parberry, "A Memory-Efficient Method for Fast Computation of Short 15-Puzzle Solutions", IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2015. [pdf from IEEEXplore, more information]


While the 15-puzzle has a long and interesting history dating back to the 1870s, it still continues to appear as apps on mobile devices and as minigames inside larger video games. We demonstrate a method for solving the 15-puzzle using only 4.7MB of tables that on a million random instances was able to find solutions of 65 moves on average and 95 moves in the worst case in under a tenth of a millisecond per solution on current desktop computing hardware. These numbers compare favorably to the worst-case upper bound of 80 moves and to the greedy algorithm published in 1995, which required 118 moves on average and 195 moves in the worst case.

The $(n^2-1)$-Puzzle (2015)


Ian Parberry, "Solving the $(n^2-1)$-Puzzle with $\tfrac{8}{3}n^3$ Expected Moves", Algorithms, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 459-465, 2015. [more information]


It is shown that the greedy algorithm for the \((n^2-1)\)-puzzle makes \(\tfrac{8}{3}n^3 +O(n^2)\) expected moves. This analysis is verified experimentally on 10,000 random instances each of the \((n^2-1)\)-puzzle for \(4 \leq n \leq 200\).

Computing Knight's Tours (1997)


Ian Parberry, "An Efficient Algorithm for the Knight's Tour Problem", Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 73, pp. 251-260, 1997. [pdf]

Author's Comment

See more knight's tour images here.

Counting Knight's Tours (1997)


O. Kyek, Ian Parberry, and I. Wegener, "Bounds on the Number of Knight's Tours", Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 74, pp. 171-181, 1997. [pdf]


Knight's tours are a fascinating subject. New lower bounds on the number of knight's tours and structured knight's tours on $n \times n$ chessboards and even $n$ are presented. For the natural special case $n = 8$ a new upper bound is proved.

The $(n^2-1)$-Puzzle (1995)


Ian Parberry, "A Real-Time Algorithm for the $(n^2-1)$-Puzzle", Information Processing Letters, Vol. 56, pp. 23-28, 1995. [pdf]


A real-time algorithm for the $(n^2-1)$-puzzle is designed using greedy and divide-and-conquer techniques. It is proved that (ignoring lower order terms) the new algorithm uses at most $5n^3$ moves, and that any such algorithm must make at least $n^3$ moves in the worst case, at least $2n^3/3$ moves on average, and with probability one, at least $0.264n^3$ moves on random configurations.

Created April 21, 2010. Last updated November 10, 2022.