2D Amortized Noise Performance Evaluator
A Program to Evaluate the Performance of Amortized Noise
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
o*CPUtime.cppCode for getting access to CPU time under Windows
o*CPUtime.hHeader for getting access to CPU time under Windows
o*defines.hHeader file for OS dependent things
o*FiniteAmortizedNoise2D.cppCode file for the 2D amortized noise class CFiniteAmortizedNoise2D
o*FiniteAmortizedNoise2D.hHeader file for the 2D amortized noise class CFiniteAmortizedNoise2D
o*InfiniteAmortizedNoise2D.cppCode file for the 2D amortized noise class CInfiniteAmortizedNoise2D
o*InfiniteAmortizedNoise2D.hHeader file for the 2D amortized noise class CInfiniteAmortizedNoise2D
o*infiniteperlin.cppCode file for 2D infinite Perlin noise functions
o*infiniteperlin.hHeader file for 2D infinite Perlin noise functions
o*infinitesmoothperlin.cppCode file for 2D infinite smooth Perlin noise functions
o*infinitesmoothperlin.hHeader file for 2D infinite smooth Perlin noise functions
o*perlin.cppCode file for 2D Perlin noise functions
\*perlin.hHeader file for 2D Perlin noise functions