Amortized Noise Terrain Generator
A Program to Generate Terrain from Amortized Noise with Exponentially Distributed Gradient Magnitude
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 Common.hSome common defines used in several places
 CPUtime.cppCode for getting access to CPU time under Windows
 CPUtime.hHeader for getting access to CPU time under Windows
 defines.hHeader file for OS dependent things
 ExponentialHash.cppCode for generating an exponentially distributed hash function
 ExponentialHash.hHeader for generating an exponentially distributed hash function
 InfiniteAmortizedNoise2D.cppCode file for the 2D amortized noise class CInfiniteAmortizedNoise2D
 InfiniteAmortizedNoise2D.hHeader file for the 2D amortized noise class CInfiniteAmortizedNoise2D
 TerrainGenerator.cppCode file for the terrain generator CTerrainGenerator
 TerrainGenerator.hHeader file for the terrain generator CTerrainGenerator