@inproceedings{DoranParberry2015QuestGen, author = {Jonathon Doran and Ian Parberry}, title = {A Server-Side Framework for the Execution of Procedurally Generated Quests in an {MMORPG}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th Annual European Conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Games (GAMEON 2015)}, pages = {103--110}, city = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, publisher = {Eurosis}, year = {2015}, month={December}, } @techreport{DoranParberry2015TRQuestGen, author = {Jonathon Doran and Ian Parberry}, title = {A Server-Side Framework for the Execution of Procedurally Generated Quests in an {MMORPG}}, institution = {Laboratory for Recreational Computing, Dept. of Computer Science \& Engineering, Univ.\ of North Texas}, number = {LARC--2015--01}, year = {2015}, month={February}, }